Ostéo, massage, physiothérapie, kinésiologie
At Delta Santé in Corgémont, we are proud to offer you a full range of health services to meet your needs. Osteo is an unconventional medicine based on the idea that manual manipulations of the musculoskeletal system and myofascial release techniques can provide relief in the area of functional disorders. The Global Method® takes into account the entire emotional dimension of the patient.
It is based on manual techniques aimed at preserving or restoring the physiological mobility of the different structures of the body.
One of the flagship services we offer is Global Method ®️ osteotherapy. Our osteotherapists are trained in this specific method and are able to adapt it to your individual needs. Whether you suffer from joint pain, back pain, migraines or other health problems, our osteotherapists can help you regain your balance and relieve your pain.
En plus de l'ostéothérapie, nous proposons également les services d'une physiothérapeute.La physiothérapie est une composante de la rééducation qui associe des exercices physiques et des manipulations de segments du corps en mettant l’accent sur le dos, les bras et les jambes. Elle peut améliorer le fonctionnement des articulations et des muscles, aider les personnes à mieux se tenir debout, maintenir leur équilibre, marcher et monter les escaliers. Les techniques comprennent des exercices pour l’amplitude des mouvements, des exercices de renforcement musculaire, des exercices de coordination et d’équilibre, des exercices ambulatoires (marche), des exercices de reconditionnement global, l’apprentissage des déplacements, et l’utilisation d’une table basculante. L’amplitude des mouvements est fréquemment limitée après un accident vasculaire cérébral ou un alitement prolongé. L’amplitude de mouvement réduite peut provoquer des douleurs, limiter la capacité de fonctionnement d’une personne et augmenter le risque d’usure de la peau (plaies cutanées) et d’escarres.
Massage in Reconvilier
Massage therapy is an ancestral therapeutic technique that has existed for thousands of years. It brings together a wide variety of manual techniques that share several common points. The main objectives of massage therapy are to promote relaxation (muscular and nervous), blood and lymphatic circulation, assimilation and digestion of food, elimination of toxins, proper functioning of vital organs and awakening of psychocorporeal awareness. Massage therapy is suitable for most people, from toddlers to the elderly. It also has other therapeutic applications that we will describe below.
The benefits of massage therapy are numerous. It can relieve lower back and muscle pain, reduce nervous excitability, relieve conditions caused by stress (including back pain, migraine, exhaustion and insomnia), increase blood and lymphatic circulation and lead to a general state of well-being.
Kinesiology in Reconvilier
Kinesiology is a professional practice that aims to promote balance and physical, mental and social well-being. It uses different techniques that are based on the muscular reaction to stress. The WHO Constitution defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” and establishes as one of its principles that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being”. Kinesiology provides an effective complement to the skills of the professional who uses it. It allows the person to become more aware of their potential and to become responsible for their progress, failures and successes.
Group office
At Delta Santé Corgémont, we do everything we can to provide you with fast and secure care. We understand that your health is precious and we take your well-being seriously. Our team is made up of qualified and experienced professionals who work with dedication and professionalism to provide you with the best possible care. We are committed to providing you with a positive experience and helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.
In conclusion, at Delta Santé Corgémont, you will find a team of experts in osteotherapy, physiotherapy, massage and kinesiology. We are determined to offer you effective, fast and secure care, while demonstrating seriousness and professionalism. Whether you suffer from muscle pain, mobility problems or are simply looking to improve your general well-being, we are here to help you. Trust our team to accompany you on the path to health and well-being.
Some of our treatments are covered by supplementary funds and basic health insurance.
Please check with your health care provider.